The proposed activities of ATBS will include:
(a) Preparing quality teaching materials like books, monographs, models, and audio-visuals pertinent to various disciplines under Biological Sciences.
(b) Organising workshops, seminars, orientation programmes, conferences, etc. for primary, secondary, higher secondary and University teachers in Biological Sciences .
(c) Contributing to the National Olympiad programme in Biology.
(d) Popularising, creating interest and spreading awareness in Biological Sciences using mass media, organizing exhibitions, field trips, etc.
(e) Co-ordinating with other National and International organizations sharing similar objectives.
(f) Identifying the research areas and designing projects for students at various levels of study in Biological Sciences.
(g) Creating and updating the information/ data regarding the special talents, expertise and interests of the members of ATBS in a view of extending services of ATBS to outside agencies for purpose such as evaluation of research works, reviews, translation and providing resource persons for field trips, workshops and other special programmes.
(h) Exploring and giving recognition/ awards to the meritorious teachers and researchers at different levels.
(i) Contributing to the development of curricula and courses, modules and protocols, etc. for advancement of Biological Sciences.
(j) Establishing a close liaison with National Research Institutes and Industries related to Biological Sciences, and
(k) Undertaking such other tasks as may be in conformity with the objectives of ATBS.